Sunday, December 9, 2007

Java Installation guide for Samsung X700

This Tutorial step by step has been tested and working.

I. Computer Setting : ( Minimal req. PIII with WINXP)
Remember you computer login setting and computer name:
for example :
username : myusername
password : mypassword
computername : mycomputer
This username and password will be the same with your java setting in Samsung X700 (handset). So Thats would be important to remember.
Your computer will act as server, your samsung will act as client.

II. Software that you need :
- Softick PPP
- Uploader.exe
- Jad Maker (optional)
Jad maker need only for generate jad file from jar file that you have. in case that you lose your original jad file.
Mr. Google can help you to find this software

III. Software preparation
1. Softick PPP Instalaltion
- Run Softick PPP instalation
- Choose option : USB Exclusive Mode
- Just Ignore the error
- do ‘Next’ until finish
2. Run Uploader.exe ( no need to install)
3. Prepare your JAR and JAD file, your lovely games
4. Set your java setting in samsung
- Run : Menu –>aplication –> JavaWorld–> setting
fill the setting according the computer setting :
APN : mycomputer
user: myusername
password : mypassword
proxy : disable

IV. Upload Process :
( Now you must hold your samsung handset )
1. In handset, type #*536963#
Will show message “JAVASERIAL download, HTTP disable”
2. Connect your handset to computer via USB cable data.
Wait amomment, computer will detect your handset
Please don’t change your handset setting into ‘Mass storage’
It must be in ‘Modem’ seting
3. Execute Your Softick Program
It will appear in tray icon
4. Setting your Softick, choose your port number ( usually port\Device\ss_mdm0 )
by right click the tray icon, choose setting
5. Activate Softick
by right click the tray icon, choose ‘Activate App’
6. Make sure that message ‘ 1 devices connected’ appear.
check the message by hover on Softick tray icon for 3 second.
If this message not appear, that means your device not yet detected.
Reconnet your usb cable data, Exit softick program and run it again. ( see the step 2-5 above)
7. If step 6 is OK, Its mean your device has detected.
Type #*5737425# in your handset
It will appear ‘java menu uploader’
- Chhose: 1. PPP up –> chooce 2 : USB
Do this step only once.
In your computer, Open you UPLOADER.EXE and choose the (may be 3) jad file of games. Make sure that you put your jar and jad game into the same folder.
8. In Handset Java Upload menu.
Choose : 2. Serial download
A clown animation will appear with the progress bar.
Congratulations!! your first java games born into your handset
9. For next game, do this step
Type #*5737425# in your handset
Choose : 2. Serial download

10. When you finished, do this step.
Type #*536961# in your handset
Reset your Java setting ( see III. 4)
Leave it blank.
If NOT, your opera mini will NOT work

Now you can test your samsung by Upload games

Friday, October 26, 2007


This Tutorial step by step has been tested and working.

KOMPUTER P III atau lebih
–> Windows XP
(data komputer, diperlukan untuk java seting di HP)
nama komputer : komputerku
user : guepunya
password : kosong

–> Semua File yang diperlukan ada dalam paket ini :
Softick installer
JadMaker(lewati aja dulu, baca dibawah)

Langkah Persiapan :

1. Instalasi Softick PPP
- pilih USB Exclusive Mode (yg dibawahan)
- next aja. jgn hiraukan error yang ada
2. Jalanin Uploader.exe
3. Siapkan games yang akan diupload dengan uploader.exe
4. Setting java hp kamu sesuai seting komputer diatas

Caranya : Aplications –> javaword –> setting

Apn -> isi dng nama komputer
user–> isi dng user komputer
password –> isi dng password komputer
proxy –> disable

Langkah upload:
1. Pada HP ketik #*536963#
tampil pesan JAVASERIAL download, HTTP disable
2. Pasang kabel data samsung.
HP samsung x700 connect dengan komputer
3. Jalankan Program Softick
4. Seting Softick, pilih port Com yang sesuai ( pilih : port\Device\ss_mdm0 )
Caranya : klik kanan di tray icon Softick , pilih seting
5. Run Softick
Caranya : klik kanan di tray icon Softick, pilih Activate App
6. Pastikan ada pesan : 1 devices connected
Cara cek nya : hover pada tray icon Softick selama 3 detik.
Kalau belum ke detect device nya :
reconnect kabel usb. Exit softick kemudian jalankan lagi.
(ulangi langkah 2-5)
7. Kalau udah OK, ketik #*5737425# di HP. Masuk ke menu java uploader( ada 3 Menu)
Pilih : 1. PPP up –> pilih 2.USB (lakukan hanya sekali)
Sementara itu, jalankan UPLOADER.exe dan ADD pilih ‘jad’ yang ingin diupload ke HP.
8. Masih di menu Java UPLOADER HP.
Pilih 2. Serial Download
Maka pada HP akan tampil “Badut goyang” dan progres bar yang jalan
Games java akan terupload ke HP
Selamat Menikmati
9. Untuk Upload game berikut nya
Kembali ke layar utama HP samsung x700 mu
Ketik #*5737425# di HP
Lansung pilih menu nomer 2. Serial Dowload.
Ulangi langkah no 9 ini sampai semua games java mu terupload di komputer

10.Pada HP ketik #*536961# apabila semua proses upload jar sudah selesai.

Ini akan mengembalikan fungsi koneksi WAP seperti semula.
Jangan lupa juga KOSONGKAN semua isian Setting java hp kamu
(pada langkah persiapan no. 4)
Kalau tidak dilakukan, maka aplikasi java seperti opera mini, gak akan jalan


Berikut adalah list java games yg bisa kamu download secara free.

AGASSI~1 JAD 433 11-23-05 7:03p AgassiTennis__v600_.jad
AGASSI~1 JAR 128,662 11-23-05 7:03p AgassiTennis__v600_.jar
AQUALI~1 JAD 184 04-19-06 5:33p AquaLifeX_MIDP2_176X220.jad
AQUALI~1 JAR 126,441 04-19-06 5:34p AquaLifeX_MIDP2_176X220.jar
BEJEWE~1 JAD 1,061 11-23-05 7:06p Bejeweled__v600_.jad
BEJEWE~1 JAR 145,617 11-23-05 7:07p Bejeweled__v600_.jar
BLUEPU~1 JAD 207 04-19-06 3:43p bluepulse_midp2.jad
BLUEPU~1 JAR 65,481 04-19-06 3:44p bluepulse_midp2.jar
BOMBER JAD 166 04-19-06 5:35p BOMBER.JAD
BOMBER JAR 58,030 04-19-06 5:35p BOMBER.JAR
EN_MID~1 JAR 38,515 04-19-06 6:31p en_midp1_RocketBoy.jar
EN_MID~1 JAD 165 04-19-06 6:31p en_midp2_RocketBoy.jad
MOBICHAT JAD 177 04-19-06 6:34p MOBICHAT.JAD
MOBICHAT JAR 64,672 04-19-06 6:35p MOBICHAT.JAR
MOBILE~1 JAD 171 04-19-06 5:30p MobileFighter.jad
MOBILE~1 JAR 95,048 04-19-06 5:30p MobileFighter.jar
MONKEY~1 JAD 187 04-19-06 5:29p MonkeyMadness.jad
MONKEY~1 JAR 60,370 04-19-06 5:30p MonkeyMadness.jar
MPDOGS~1 JAD 160 04-19-06 5:31p mpDogSamsung1.jad
MPDOGS~1 JAR 77,942 04-19-06 5:32p mpDogSamsung1.jar
NEWTES~1 JAD 198 04-19-06 5:39p NewTestament.jad
JAVA TXT 2,207 08-15-07 2:30p java.txt
RAYMAN3 JAD 360 11-23-05 7:04p Rayman3.jad
RAYMAN3 JAR 122,636 11-23-05 7:02p Rayman3.jar
SAMEGA~1 JAD 177 04-19-06 5:37p SameGame2.jad
SAMEGA~1 JAR 22,757 04-19-06 5:38p SameGame2.jar
SUMOSM~1 JAD 332 08-19-04 11:25p SumoSmashK750.jad
SUMOSM~1 JAR 84,420 08-24-05 11:21p SumoSmashK750.jar
VIKING~1 JAD 180 04-19-06 3:44p VikingVex_midp1_demo_128.jad
VIKING~1 JAR 55,572 04-19-06 3:44p VikingVex_midp1_demo_128.jar
BINTAG TXT 161 08-15-07 2:32p bintag.txt
GAMES TXT 0 08-15-07 2:33p games.txt
32 file(s) 1,152,689 bytes
2 dir(s) 334.23 MB free



Berikut saya coba jelaskan cara koneksi internet dengan memakai telkomsel flash.

Hal-hal yang diperlukan untuk koneksi flash
1. Komputer, dengan OS (lebih baik) Windows XP
2. HP yang support 3G. Bila non 3G speed yang didapat akan lebih rendah.
3. Kartu Simpati yang sudah diregistrasi 3G
untuk aktivasi dilakukan via sms
ketik: flash kirim ke 3636

Langkah2 koneksi :
1. Pastikan Seting GPRS di HP anda sudah berjalan,
Sesuaikan modelnya.caranya bisa dilihat di
2. Instal modem hp anda dikomputer
Tancapkan kabel usb atau dengan blutut.
Windows xp akan mengenali modem hp anda dan instal dari cd bawaan bila ada
3. Buat koneksi baru dari Control panel
Network Connections. Buat nama koneksi , misal : flashku
4. Masukkan dial Up number : *99***1#
Username: (dikosongkan)
Password: (dikosongkan)
5. Seting APN dengan inputan : flash
Dari Control panel --> Phone & Modem
Pilih Tab Modem --> pilih modem hp anda
--> Properties
Dari Tab Extra setting masukan string berikut :
6. Buka Koneksi flashku
Lakukan Koneksi, bila sudah konek lihat speed yang didapat :)
7. Buka browser anda.
Koneksi akan di redirect ke halaman home Telkomsel Flash
Kalau tidak, berarti flash anda gagal.
Cek dan ulangi lagi terutama langkah no.5

Kalau anda sudah terkoneksi flash...Selamat menikmati berselancar yang Base on Time !!
Note: saya sendiri hanya memakai X700 untuk konek flash. Lumayan dapat speed 460 Kbps ( kecepatan EDGE)
Agak rugi sih, tapi gak terlalu :D.. soalnya bisa buat lihat video di :)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

selamat datang balijb

Balijb currently using Indonesia for main language. Later, I'll make it dual language for english too.. :)
Have enjoy with your samsung phone.